Faculty Internship Program

“Welcome to our Faculty Internship Program, a specialized initiative tailored for esteemed faculty members in Management, Engineering, Science, and related disciplines. This program is meticulously crafted to bridge the gap between academia and industry, offering a dynamic learning experience. Engage in hands-on learning, collaborative research endeavors, and connect with industry leaders. Our diverse range of workshops and interdisciplinary focus will elevate your teaching techniques and expand your research capabilities. Walk away with a renewed perspective, ready to inspire the next generation of trailblazers. Seize this golden opportunity for professional growth and development!”

Personalized Development Plan: Receive tailored guidance and mentorship to help you achieve your specific professional and academic goals. Our experienced mentors are dedicated to your success.

Renewed Motivation: Immerse yourself in an environment that rekindles your passion for teaching and research. Return to your institution with a renewed sense of purpose and motivation to inspire your students.

Be a Trailblazer: By participating in the FIP, you are not only advancing your own career but also contributing to the broader academic community. Be a catalyst for positive change and progress in your field.

Invest in Yourself: Your growth as an educator and researcher is an investment in both your personal and professional future. The knowledge and experiences gained during the FIP will continue to pay dividends throughout your career.

Why Join the Faculty Internship Program (FIP)?

Ignite Innovation: Experience an environment that encourages creativity and innovation. Engage in dynamic discussions, collaborative projects, and hands-on experiences that will spark new ideas and approaches.

Stay Current: Keep abreast of the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices. Gain practical knowledge that you can directly integrate into your teaching and research.

Expand Your Network: Connect with a diverse community of faculty members, industry experts, and researchers. Forge lasting relationships that can lead to fruitful collaborations, joint publications, and career opportunities.

Boost Professional Credentials: The FIP experience adds a significant feather to your professional cap. It demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and a proactive approach to academic excellence.

Elevate Your Research Impact: Collaborate on cutting-edge research projects that have the potential to make a meaningful impact in your field. Leverage the program’s resources and partnerships to take your research to new heights.

Access Exclusive Resources: Take advantage of our institution’s top-notch facilities, extensive libraries, and research databases. These resources will be at your disposal during the program, giving you a competitive edge in your academic pursuits.

Registration Charges:

To partake in this enriching experience, there is a nominal registration fee of 15000/-. This fee covers all program-related expenses, including workshop materials, access to state-of-the-art facilities, and networking opportunities with industry professionals.

Refund Policy:

In case of unforeseen circumstances leading to withdrawal from the program, a partial refund may be considered based on a case-by-case evaluation. Please refer to our Refund Policy for more information.

Empower the Educators: Transforming Instructors into Inspirational Learning Catalysts